In the dry cough hell.

Anyways, it’s a while ago but my mom sent me some of my old paintings with the usual care package. My original plan was to add these to my portfolio site, but I’ve just realized how sucky they are. It’s quite shocking. I was 17 or so back then. That’s even more shocking.

#1 - pencil, #2 - pencil, #3 - oil
I like that first one. And the other two may not be perfect, but there's still some interesting stuff going on there, especially if you were just 17. You should see the hideous crap that I was drawing back then...
damnit Yuki, these drawings are trash!!! hehehe just kidding. You were 17... but what is old can never be new again! You must press on with new artwork!
and I'd love to give you my friend code for tetris right now but I'm really into the song I'm listening to and it would just ruin it to put it on pause and have to leave the computer.
.............and here it is!
if you give me your friend code, then we can play! I'm on every night at like 9:30 or so for about 2 hours heheh.
Dav ->
I was 17… indeed it was an excuse. Am I improved since then? That is a question… this realized me that I have to work on some more traditional stuff and keep posting.
Symytry ->
Awesome dude! Only thing is that my Wi-Fi thingy still is shaky… I’ll challenge you as soon as I figure it out. Nerd out.
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